F-31 SARA Crude Oil Characterization: A Critical Review
November 25, 2024
The refining industry has long sought to understand how the chemistry of crude oil relates to fouling. Crude oil is composed of thousands of chemical species, so identifying and quantifying each of them individually would be impractical. Instead, different laboratory techniques are used to group species with similar chemical characteristics into a minimum number of...
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F-30-TR Evaluation of Measurement Techniques for Crude Oil Particles
October 28, 2024
Developing effective fouling mitigation techniques for crude oils requires a fundamental understanding of particulate matter in heat exchanger flows, as well as experimental methods that accurately measure particle sizes and concentration distributions. HTRI previously determined that the ASTM F-312 method is unable to characterize differences in particle size distributions among crudes. For this study,...
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F-29 Characterization of HTRI Crude Oils Nos. 18, 19, and 20 and Fouling Deposits from Crude Oil No. 19
December 14, 2023
The chemical characterization tests used in the HTRI crude oil fouling research program were reviewed. Modifications to the current list of tests and new WRI characterization methods were recommended. These recommended methods were used to characterize HTRI crude oils Nos. 18, 19, and 20 and two fouling deposits from No. 19....
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