Other Publications


R. W. Serth and T. G. Lestina, Process Heat Transfer: Principles, Applications and Rules of Thumb, 2nd ed., Academic Press, Cambridge, MA (2014).

From Amazon.com: "Process Heat Transfer is a reference on the design and implementation of industrial heat exchangers. It provides the background needed to understand and master the commercial software packages used by professional engineers in the design and analysis of heat exchangers. This book focuses on types of heat exchangers most widely used by industry: shell-and-tube exchangers (including condensers, reboilers and vaporizers), air-cooled heat exchangers and double-pipe (hairpin) exchangers. It provides a substantial introduction to the design of heat exchanger networks using pinch technology, the most efficient strategy used to achieve optimal recovery of heat in industrial processes."

M. E. Poniewski and J. R. Thome, Nucleate Boiling on Micro-structured Surfaces, Heat Transfer Research, Inc., Navasota, TX (2008). (12 MB)

Mieczyslaw E. Poniewski (Director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Plock Campus, Poland) and John R. Thome (Professor of Heat and Mass Transfer at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland) have encapsulated the state-of-the-art of nucleate pool boiling, focusing on the fundamentals of enhancing heat transfer using new technologies to fabricate micro-structured surfaces. The book offers a broad survey of the available literature.

HTRI Staff Contributions to Open Literature (since 1993)

P. Kazemi and K. Farrell, Optimizing air-cooled heat exchanger design using genetic algorithms, TFEC-2025-54671, 10th Thermal Fluids Eng. Conf. (TFEC), Washington, DC (9 - 12 March 2025).

S. Pugh, H. Zettler, J. Kennedy, and E. Ishiyama, Achieving high efficiency in heat transfer equipment with HTRI digital twin technologies, North American Refining Technology Conference (NARTC), 9 – 10 (January 2025).

S. Haq, Flow maldistribution in heat exchangers and role of CFD in predictions, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Anaheim, CA (15 – 17 July 2024). 

E. M. Ishiyama, D. Oakley,  J. Kennedy, S. J. Pugh, and H. U. Zettler, Fuelling the future, Hydrocarbon Eng. 29(6), 55 – 60 (2024).

E. Petropoulou, D. Giamalakis, G. Spiridaki, A. Aristeidopoulou, C. Plellis, S. Loukopoulos, D. Oakley, J. Kennedy, S. J. Pugh, H. U. Zettler, and E. M. Ishiyama, Impact of fuel selection on gas-side fouling in fired heaters: A techno-economic-environmental analysis, in Proc. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning Conf. XV, ed. H. U. Zettler, 33 – 41 (2024).

E. Crosby, M. Berger, B. Houston, and L. Bishop, Hydraulic and thermal development of water fouling layer, in Proc. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning Conf. XV, ed. H. U. Zettler, 177 – 184 (2024).M. Iijima and R. Suzuki, Impact of fouling on energy management in column heat recovery system, in Proc. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning Conf. XV, ed. H. U. Zettler, 185 – 188 (2024).

P. Kazemi and K. J. Farrell, Observations on the stability of the multiphase lattice Boltzmann method with a conventional equation of state, TFEC-2024-50990, 9th Thermal Fluids Eng. Conf., Corvallis, OR (21 – 24 April 2024).

T. G. Lestina and K. J. Farrell, Insights from the second law, Hydrocarbon Eng. 28(12), 45 – 49 (2023).

E. Hitimana, Analysis of roughness enhanced heat transfer, 8th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, College Park, MD (26 – 29 March 2023).

P. Kazemi and K. J. Farrell, A comparison of results for the Lattice Boltzmann method and a Navier-Stokes solver: Natural convection in a 2D porous cavity, 8th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, College Park, MD (26 – 29 March 2023)

M. Radicone, Vapor Infusion and the experimental effects of heat exchanger fouling, Heat Exchanger World Conference & Expo., Americas, Pasadena, TX (17 November 2022).

M. Radicone, Using vapor infusion to maintain optimal functionality of heat exchangers, Heat Exchanger World, 35 – 37 (27 October 2022). 

E. Ishiyama, J. Kennedy, D. Oakley, S. Pugh, H. Zettler, and A. Smith, Crude management for decarbonization, 8th Opportunity Crudes Confererence, Houston, TX (24 – 26 October 2022).

E. M. Ishiyama, J. Kennedy, S. J. Pugh, and H. U. Zettler, Fouling management through digital transformation, Hydrocarbon Eng. 27(9), 51 – 55 (2022).

E. M. Ishiyama, S. J. Pugh, and H. U. Zettler, Economic and environmental implications of fouling in crude preheat trains, Heat Exchanger Fouling & Cleaning Conference XIV, Wagrain, Austria (5 – 10 June 2022).

E. M. Ishiyama and D. I. Wilson, Impact of fouling on thermo-hydraulics of viscous coolers, Heat Exchanger Fouling & Cleaning Conference XIV, Wagrain, Austria (5 – 10 June 2022).

A. D. Smith and E. Hitimana, Incorporation of fouling deposit measurements in crude oil fouling testing and data analysis, Heat Exchanger Fouling & Cleaning Conference XIV, Wagrain, Austria (5 – 10 June 2022).

E. M. Ishiyama, S. J. Pugh, and A. P. Watkinson, Interaction of heat transfer enhancement and fouling in operating heat exchangers, Heat Exchanger Fouling & Cleaning Conference XIV, Wagrain, Austria (5 – 10 June 2022).

E. M. Ishiyama, J. Kennedy, H. U. Zettler, and S. J. Pugh, Fouling management through digital transformation, Heat Exchanger Fouling & Cleaning Conference XIV, Wagrain, Austria (5 – 10 June 2022).

E. Gomez, L. France, E. M. Ishiyama, J. Kennedy, and S. J. Pugh, TotalEnergies Fouling Management Program, Heat Exchanger Fouling & Cleaning Conference XIV, Wagrain, Austria (5 – 10 June 2022).

S. Bouhairie and S. Haq, Pattern vs. performance, Hydrocarbon Eng. 27(6), 48 – 52 (2022).

P. Kazemi and K. J. Farrell, Applying an artificial neural network to model intube heat transfer in laminar flow, TFEC-2022-41152, in 7th Thermal Fluids Eng. Conf., ASTFE, 1463 – 1472, Las Vegas, NV (2022). DOI: 10.1615/TFEC2022.cmd.041152

A. D. Smith, Testing to improve the reliability of fouling mitigation, AIChE 2022 Spring Meeting, San Antonio, TX (10 – 14 April 2022).

S. Talapatra and A. J. Mountford, Identify root causes of heat exchanger tube failure, CEP 117(6), 52 – 56 (2021).

A. D. Smith, Discussion of a criteria-based method for analysis of initial fouling rate, Heat Exchanger Fouling & Cleaning Conference XIII, Warsaw, Poland (2019). [Online]

E. M. Ishiyama, S. J. Pugh,  and H. M. Joshi, Discussion of using fouling rig analysis to model industrial fouling data, Heat Exchanger Fouling & Cleaning Conference XIII, Warsaw, Poland (2019). 

E. M. Ishiyama, C. Juhel, B. Aquino, H. Hagi, S. J. Pugh,  and H. U. Zettler, Advanced fouling management through use of HTRI SmartPM: Case studies from TOTAL Refinery CDU preheat trains, Heat Exchanger Fouling & Cleaning Conference XIII, Warsaw, Poland (2019).

E. M. Ishiyama, J. Kennedy, and S. J. Pugh, Modelling fouling in hydrodesulfurization unit heat exchangers, Heat Exchanger Fouling & Cleaning Conference XIII, Warsaw, Poland (2019). 

K. J. Farrell, CFD simulation of a plate heat exchanger, 6th Energy and Process Simulation Symposium, Houston, TX (21 – 22 May 2019).

K. J. Farrell, CFD approach for predicting entrainment in kettle reboilers, TFEC-2019-27542, in 4th Thermal Fluids Eng. Conf., ASTFE, 287 – 296, Las Vegas, NV (2019). DOI: 10.1615/TFEC2019.cmd.027542

S. Talapatra, Identifying turndown limits for vertical tubeside thermosiphon reboilers, AIChE 2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety, New Orleans, LA (31 March - 4 April 2019).

B. Ljubicic, Challenges and opportunities in the design and development of heat exchangers, Heat Exchange Engineering Europe 2019, Prague, Czech Republic (26 February – 1 March 2019).

E. M. Ishiyama, E. Falkeman, D. I. Wilson, and S. J. Pugh, Quantifying implications of deposit aging from crude refinery preheat train data, Heat Transfer Eng. 41(2), 115 – 126 (2019).

M. R. Lane, Benefits of crude oil fouling testing, 6th Opportunity Crudes Conference, Houston, TX (22 – 24 October 2018). 

D. Gibbons, Using HTRI technology within Petro-SIM for rigorous simulation of heat exchangers, KBC Software Users Conference, Houston, TX (12 September 2018). presented by F. J. Aguirre

E. Ishiyama, S. Pugh, C. Melo, and F. Segeur, Benefits of optimizing the cleaning schedule in crude preheat trains, 5th Latin American and Caribbean Refining Congress, Mendoza, Argentina (27 – 30 August 2018). 

A. D. Smith, Benefits of fouling testing, COQA-CCQTA, Denver, CO (22 – 24 May 2018).

L. Huang, Pool boiling correlations for structured fin tubes, 10th Intl. Conf. Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, Nagasaki, Japan (12 – 15 March 2018). (poster)

F. J. Aguirre and A. Meneses, Preheat train monitoring allows better management of crude oil fouling, XXIII Foro de Transformación Industrial, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Mexico, D.F., Mexico (16 – 17 November 2017).

E. M. Ishiyama, E. S. Falkeman, D. I. Wilson, and S. J. Pugh, Quantifying implications of deposit aging from crude refinery preheat train data, in Proc. Intl. Conf. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XII, eds. H. U. Zettler, 5 – 13 (2017). 

E. M. Ishiyama and S. J. Pugh, Effect of flow distribution in parallel heat exchanger networks: Use of thermo-hydraulic channeling model in refinery operation, in Proc. Intl. Conf. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XII, eds. H. U. Zettler, 265 – 272 (2017). 

H. M. Joshi, T. Lang, J. El Hajal, and A. D. Smith, Crude oil fouling mitigation using internally finned tubes, in Proc. Intl. Conf. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XII, eds. H. U. Zettler, 215 – 220 (2017). [Online].

A. D. Smith, E. M. Ishiyama, J. S. Harris, and M. R. Lane, Translating crude oil fouling testing rig data to the field: A road map for future research, in Proc. Intl. Conf. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XII, eds. H. U. Zettler, 14 – 24 (2017). [Online].

A. D. Smith, Preheat train monitoring allows better management of fouling, Crude Oil Quality Association, New Orleans, LA (9 March 2017).

S. N. Ritchey, Shellside vacuum condensation with a noncondensable gas, IMECE2016-67417, in Proc. ASME 2016 Intl. Mech. Eng. Congress & Exposition, vol. 8, Phoenix, AZ (11 – 17 November 2016).

A. D. Smith, Operation benefits from fouling testing, 5th Opportunity Crudes Conference, Houston, TX (9 – 11 October 2016).

S. A. Bouhairie, No es sólo un Montón de Aire Caliente, PetroQuiMex: La Revista de la Industria Petrolera, 83, 40 – 42 (September – October 2016).

P. Redmill, Attracted to the physical, Hydrocarbon Eng. 21(9), 95 – 98 (2016).

R. Browning, Too cool, Hydrocarbon Eng. 21(3), 32 – 38 (2016).

T. G. Lestina and R. S. Kistler, Trends in shellside thermal design methods, in Proc. China Natl. Heat Exchanger Academic Conf., 1 – 10, Shaoxing, China (November 2015).

S. A. Bouhairie, Analysis of swirl flow by tube inserts for CFD study, IMECE2015-52820, in Proc. ASME 2015 Intl. Mech. Eng. Congress and Exposition, vol. 7A, Houston, TX (13 – 19 November 2015).

S. Talapatra and K. J. Farrell, Two-phase flow regimes in exchangers and piping, part 1, IMECE2015-51550, in Proc. ASME 2015 Intl. Mech. Eng. Congress and Exposition, vol. 7A, Houston, TX (13 – 19 November 2015).

T. G. Lestina, Enhancing heat exchanger performance, in Proc. AIChE 7th Southwest Process Technology Conf., Galveston, TX (1 – 2 October 2015).

T. G. Lestina and C. Sofka, The boiling point, Hydrocarbon Eng. 20(9), 27 – 31 (2015).

C. M. Laird and L. Huang, Crossflow mixed convection heat transfer for horizontal tube banks, in Proc. Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conf. (TFESC), 2057 – 2060 (2015).

T. G. Lestina, Trends in process heat transfer, technical track 10 plenary lecture, ASME 2015 Intl. Mech. Eng. Congress and Exposition, Houston, TX (13 – 19 November 2015).

K. J. Farrell, Effect of tube bundle layout on kettle reboiler effectiveness using Eulerian multiphase CFD simulation, in Proc. Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conf. (TFESC), 1765 – 1773 (2015).

J. S. Harris, M. R. Lane, and A. D. Smith, Investigating the impact of boiling conditions on the fouling of a crude oil, in Proc. Intl. Conf. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XI, eds. M. R. Malayeri, H. Müller-Steinhagen, and A. P. Watkinson, 50 – 56 (2015). [Online].

M. R. Lane and J. S. Harris, Impact of mixing on crude oil fouling tests, in Proc. Intl. Conf. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XI, eds. M. R. Malayeri, H. Müller-Steinhagen, and A. P. Watkinson, 22 – 26 (2015). 

J. Sippel, J. El-Hajal, and T. Scott, Update on field tests on heat exchangers equipped with dual enhanced tubes in a quench water application, in Proc. Intl. Conf. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XI, eds. M. R. Malayeri, H. Müller-Steinhagen, and A. P. Watkinson, 183 – 190 (2015). 

A. D. Smith and H. M. Joshi, A critical look at the use of activation energy in crude oil fouling models, in Proc. Intl. Conf. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XI, eds. M. R. Malayeri, H. Müller-Steinhagen, and A. P. Watkinson, 13 – 21 (2015)

L. Huang, Thermal non-equilibrium mist-flow heat transfer in vertical tubes, 9th Intl. Conf. Boiling & Condensation, Boulder, CO (26 – 30 April 2015).

T. G. Lestina, Enhanced heat transfer and energy efficiency, Chapter 10, Energy Management and Efficiency for the Process Industries, eds. A. P. Rossiter and B. P. Jones, 128 – 138, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ (2015).

R. L. Shilling, Thermally efficient by design, Hydrocarbon Eng. 19(11), 91 – 96 (2014).

T. G. Lestina, Using operating data to troubleshoot heat exchanger performance, XX Foro de Avances de la Industria de la Refinación, PEMEX, Mexico City, Mexico (24 – 25 September 2014).

S. Talapatra and K. Farrell, Planar PIV experiments inside a transparent shell-and-tube exchanger, IMECE2014-36818, in Proc. ASME 2014 Intl. Mech. Eng. Congress and Exposition, vol. 7, ASME (2014).

S. Bouhairie, S. Talapatra, and K. Farrell, Turbulent flow in a no-tube-in-window shell-and-tube heat exchanger: CFD vs. PIV, IMECE2014-36902, in Proc. ASME 2014 Intl. Mech. Eng. Congress and Exposition, vol. 7, ASME (2014).

K. J. Farrell and V. Sathyamurthi, Developments in heat transfer technology can improve exchanger efficiency and reduce water demand, Water Online, (28 February 2014).

L. Huang, Flow boiling of immiscible mixtures in a vertical tube, 8th World Conf. Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics, Lisbon, Portugal (16 – 20 June 2013).

A. D. Smith, Analysis of fouling rate and propensity for eight crude oil samples in annular test section, Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning X, Budapest, Hungary (2013). 

R. L. Shilling, Fouling and uncertainty margins in tubular heat exchanger design: An alternative, Heat Transfer Eng. 33(13), 1094 – 1104 (2012).

R. L. Shilling, Selecting tube inserts for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, CEP 108(9), 19 – 25 (2012).

L. Huang, Onset of nucleate boiling across ideal plain tub bundles, ECI 8th Intl. Conf. Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland  (3 – 7 June 2012).

S. Bouhairie, Selecting baffles for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, CEP 108(2), 27 – 33 (2012).

T. G. Lestina, Selecting a heat exchanger shell, CEP 107(6), 34 – 38 (2011).

V. Sathyamurthi and J. T. Schaefer, The importance of research, Process Heating 18(5), 15 – 17 (2011).

J. M. Nesta and C. A. Coutinho, Update on designing for high-fouling liquids, Hydrocarbon Proc. 90(5), 83 – 86 (2011).

R. L. Shilling and F. J. Aguirre, Improved methodology for specifying margins in heat exchanger design, in Proc. 7th Intl. Starch Technology Conf., eds. K. Rausch, V. Singh, and M. Tumbleson, 132 – 135, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL (2011).

R. L. Shilling, M. P. Rudy, and T. M. Rudy, Risk-based design margin selection for heat exchangers, Heat Transfer Eng. 32(3 – 4), 307 – 313 (2011).

L. Huang and K. J. Farrell, Mixed convection in vertical tubes: High Reynolds number, IHTC14-23266, in Proc. 14th Intl. Heat Transfer Conf., vol. 7, ASME, 269 – 276 (2010).

L. Huang and K. J. Farrell, Buoyancy effect on forced convection in vertical tubes at high Reynolds numbers, J. Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 2(4), 041003-1 – 041003-6 (2010).

L. Huang, Evaluation of onset of nucleate boiling models, ECI 7th Intl. Conf. Boiling Heat Transfer, Florianópolis, Brazil (3 – 7 May 2009).

C. A. Bennett and B. D. Crittenden, Isokinetic phenomena in crude oil fouling, Paper 166a, Fouling Mitigation I, AIChE/ACS Jointly Co-sponsored Sessions, 2008 AIChE Spring Mtg. and Global Congress on Process Safety, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (9 April 2008).

C. A. Bennett, R. S. Kistler, K. Nangia, W. Al-Ghawas, N. Al-Hajji, and A. Al-Jemaz, Observation of an isokinetic temperature and compensation effect for high temperature crude oil fouling, in Proc. 7th Intl. Conf. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning – Challenges and Opportunities, vol. RP5, eds. Hans Müller-Steinhagen, M. R. Malayeri, and A. P. Watkinson, ECI Symposium Series (2007).

K. J. Farrell and A. H. Haidari, Improve heat exchanger design, Hydrocarbon Proc. 86(5), 87 – 89 (2007).

C. A. Bennett and R. S. Kistler, The effect of uncertainty on the design margin of a crude oil preheater, Hydrocarbon Asia 17(2), 60 – 67 (2007).

C. A. Bennett, R. S. Kistler, T. G. Lestina, and D. C. King, Improving heat exchanger designs, CEP 103(4), 40 – 45 (2007).

C. A. Bennett, S. Appleyard, M. Gough, R. P. Hohmann, H. M. Joshi, D. C. King, T. Y. Lam, T. M. Rudy, and S. E. Stomierowski, Industry-recommended procedures for experimental crude oil preheat fouling research, Heat Transfer Eng. 27(9), 28 – 35 (2006).

K. J. Farrell, CFD tackles tube bundles with large longitudinal pitch, Internet, Chemical Processing Magazine (26 February 2006).

F. J. Aguirre, Reviewing the use of fouling factors in heat exchanger design, Internet, Chemical Processing Magazine (15 February 2006).

L. Huang and F. J. Aguirre, Bend pressure drop & heat transfer performance, Internet, Chemical Processing Magazine (15 February 2006).

L. Huang, Effect of noncondensable gases on flow boiling, Internet, Chemical Processing Magazine (7 February 2006).

Z. H. Yang, Design methods for reflux condensers, Internet, Chemical Processing Magazine (30 November 2005).

K. J. Farrell, The synergy of simulation, experimentation, and technical support activities in a research consortium, Internet, Chemical Processing Magazine (5 November 2005).

F. J. Aguirre and J. W. Holmes, Process simulators can access rigorous heat exchanger calculations through CAPE-OPEN interface standard, Internet, Chemical Processing Magazine (1 October 2005).

C. A. Bennett, Using a non-traditional approach to account for crude oil fouling in heat exchangers, Internet, Chemical Processing Magazine (30 September 2005).

F. J. Aguirre and C. A. Bennett, New data support development of spiral plate heat exchanger software, Internet, Chemical Processing Magazine (1 September 2005).

J. M. Nesta and C. A. Bennett, Fouling mitigation by design, 6th Intl. Conf. Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (19 – 23 June 2005).

K. J. Farrell, Effective simulation requires a broader scope of process heat transfer measurements, Internet, Chemical Processing Magazine (21 June 2005).

J. Nesta and C. A. Bennett, Fouling mitigation by design, in Proc. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning – Challenges and Opportunities, vol. RP2, eds. H. Müller-Steinhagen, M. R. Malayeri, and A. P. Watkinson, Engineering Conferences International, Kloster Irsee, Germany (5 – 10 June 2005).

H. U. Zettler, M. Weiß, and Q. Zhao, Influence of surface properties/characteristics on fouling in plate heat exchangers, Heat Transfer Eng. 26(2), 3 – 17 (2005).

J. Nesta and C. A. Bennett, Reduce fouling in shell-and-tube heat exchangers, Hydrocarbon Proc. 83(7), 77 – 82 (2004).

L. Huang, Enhanced flow boiling with twisted tape inserts, 5th Intl. Conf. Boiling Heat Transfer, Montego Bay, Jamaica (4 – 8 May 2003).

Z. H. Yang, Enhanced condensation using twisted tape inserts, 6th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conf., Hawaii Island, USA (16 – 20 March 2003).

K. J. Farrell, Impinging on an optimal distribution, Focus on CFD in the Process Industries supplement, Fluent News 12(2), S7 (2003).

K. J. Farrell, Eulerian/Lagrangian analysis for the prediction of cavitation inception, J. Fluids Eng. 125(1), 46 – 52 (2003).

T. Lestina and K. Bell, Thermal performance testing of industrial heat exchangers, Advances in Heat Transfer, eds. J. P. Hartnett, T. Irvine, Y. Cho, and G. Greene, vol. 35, 1 – 55, Academic, San Diego (2001).

J. W. Palen, Initial tests of crude oil fouling on a finned tube test section, AIChE Spring Natl. Mtg., New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (10 – 14 March 2002).

J. W. Palen, History of fouling research at HTRI and strategy for the future, United Engineering Foundation Conf. Heat Exchanger Fouling - Fundamental Approaches and Technical Solutions, Davos, Switzerland (8 – 13 July 2001).

L. Huang, Port flow distribution in plate heat exchangers, Compact Heat Exchangers and Enhancement Technology for the Process Industries - 2001, ed. R. K. Shah, 256 – 264, Begell House, New York (2001).

J. W. Palen and Z. H. Yang, Reflux condensation flooding predictions: review of current status, Trans. IchemE 79(A), 463 – 469 (2001).

J. W. Palen, TEMA fouling factors, too high or too low, 2nd Intl. Conf. Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Copenhagen, Denmark (27 – 31 August 2000).

J. W. Palen, The birth, growth, and future of process heat transfer, 34th Natl. Heat Transfer Conf., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (20 – 22 August 2000).

Z. H. Yang and F. J. Aguirre, Vertical intube condensation of hydrocarbons with noncondensable gases, AIChE Spring Natl. Mtg., Houston, Texas, USA (14 – 18 March 1999).

J. W. Palen, On the road to understanding heat exchangers: a few stops along the way, Heat Transfer Eng. 17(2), 41 – 53 (1996).

L. W. Swanson and J. W. Palen, Convective boiling applications in shell-and-tube exchangers, Convective Flow Boiling, ed. J. C. Chen, 1st ed., 45 – 56, Taylor & Francis, Washington, DC  (1996).

P. Stehlik, J. Nemcansky, D. Kral, L. W. Swanson, Comparison of correction factors for shell-and-tube heat exchangers with segmental or helical baffles, Heat Transfer Eng. 15(1), 55 – 65 (1994).

J. W. Palen, R. S. Kistler, and Z. H. Yang, What we still don't know about condensation in tubes, in Condensation and Condenser Design: Proc. Eng. Foundation Conf. on Condensation and Condenser Design, ASME, 19 – 54 (1993).