2022 Horizons Symposium
Baltimore, Maryland, USA • April 21 – 22, 2022
These presentations and panel sessions focused on desalination, wastewater treatment and reuse, zero liquid discharge, and finally water fouling
Cooling Water Treatment – Lessons Learned
Michael Lyon
Cooling water is a site utility that generally receives little attention when it works, but can cause plant shutdowns or operational nightmares when it doesn’t. In the modern era, plant sites are more reliant than ever on vendor expertise and recommendations for water treatment, but miscommunication and a lack of site...
Resource Recovery from Wastewater
John Poppe
Wastewater is considered a reservoir of opportunity to save money and is classified as either residential, commercial, or industrial. With each classification, we have the ability to harvest a resource and recover minerals, fertilizer, and energy. This session will summarize and illustrate practical resource recovery methods for each classification, as well...
A Study of Iodine Vapor Infusion to Mitigate Fouling of Cooling Tower Water
Joel McElrath
Effective treatment of biofouling is essential to maintain thermal performance and cooling of essential systems at steam generation power plants. Alternatives to chlorine treatment are needed where sites severely restrict residual chlorine discharge and to reduce environmental impact. The effectiveness of the I2 vapor infusion technology was tested and compared with...