HTRI Training - Global Headquarters
Navasota, Texas, USA | April 29 - May 01, 2025
April 03, 2025
April 17, 2025
Join us for this three day training event hosted at the HTRI Global Headquarters in Navasota, Texas, USA. The training schedule includes three courses, all taught by HTRI experts:
- Special Topics in Xist Short Course
- Heat Exchanger Troubleshooting Short Course
- Vibration Analysis Short Course
Take advantage of this hands-on opportunity to improve your understanding of HTRI Xchanger Suite software. Register for one course or all three.
Training Courses
Check-in begins at 8:00 AM. Courses run from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM daily.
Course fees include arrival tea/coffee, lunches and snacks at breaks and training materials (workbooks, solutions booklets, and electronic copies of the case files). Computers with Xchanger Suite are available for use during the training event. Computers may be shared with other attendees.
April 03, 2025
Tuesday, April 29, 2025
- Viscous shellside coolers
- Feed-effluent exchangers
- Kettle reboilers
- Falling film evaporators
Special Topics in Xist Short Course (US$650)
Instructors: Lance Bishop and Shayne Gregson
This short course moves beyond the fundamentals of thermal design to focus on specific design challenges associated with a range of service types. Presented as a series of case studies, each topic is introduced by the instructor before participants delve into Xist to work on solutions which are ultimately discussed amongst the group. The knowledge attained from this short course will allow you to tackle related design challenges in your future work.
Case studies include:
Suggested Participants
Experienced Xist users who troubleshoot cases and evaluate shell-and-tube exchanger performance
HTRI Software
This course will make use of the following HTRI software: Xchanger Suite® components Xist® and Xvib®. All training materials are based on the current software version.
Course Credits: 6 hours (PDH/CEU)
Wednesday, April 30, 2025
- assessment of acoustic vibration in rectangular ducted bundles (Xace®)
- vibration analysis of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger (Xist® and Xvib®), including a review of the velocity scaling applied to tubes near impingement plate edges
- sizing of annular distributor (vapor belt) and associated tube vibration analysis (Xist and Xvib)
- root cause analysis of tube failures in a steam generator (a reboiler/steam drum configuration modeled as a thermosiphon reboiler in Xist)
- design review of an air-cooler/condenser (Xace) with excessive tubeside pressure drop during winter operation
Heat Exchanger Troubleshooting Short Course (US$650)
Instructors: Ashley Hinojosa and Syed Haq
Design decisions can have a costly impact on heat exchanger operation. In this course, you learn by reviewing several real cases in which unit designs had critical commercial consequences for operators/ owners. Among other topics, this course may address
In some cases, the units did not work in service; in others, the designs were revamped before the units began operation. Each case study is introduced as a problem; participants work individually or in groups to determine the cause and develop solutions. Prior to each case, the instructor reviews related HTRI methods.
Suggested Participants
Engineers—from novice to expert—who want to ensure that design problems are identified before operation
HTRI Software
This course will make use of the following HTRI software: Xchanger Suite® components Xist®, Xace®, and Xvib®. All training materials are based on the current software version.
Course Credits: 6 hours (PDH/CEU)
Thursday, May 01, 2025
- Introduction to vibration phenomena
- Flow-induced vibration (fluidelastic instability, vortex shedding, turbulent buffeting, acoustic vibration)
- Design options to mitigate vibration
- Field fixes
- Xist Vibration Report
- Example application and case studies
Vibration Analysis Short Course (US$650)
Instructors: Kevin Farrell and Salem Bouhairie
A must for anyone who evaluates the vibration potential of shell-and-tube heat exchangers! In this course, you learn about vibration mechanisms in shell-and-tube heat exchangers and Xist methods to analyze vibration severity. Most importantly, you discover corrective measures to mitigate damage.
Key Topics
Suggested Participants
Design and plant engineers responsible for the mechanical condition of shell-and-tube heat exchangers
HTRI Software
This course will make use of the following HTRI software: Xchanger Suite® components Xist® and Xvib®. All training materials are based on the current software version.
Course Credits: 6 hours (PDH/CEU)
Shannon Resendez
+1.979.690.5050 office
[email protected]

Lead Test Engineer, Research & Technology Center, graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA. He worked for over ten years as a Plant Engineer at NRG Energy, Inc., where he conducted testing on different plant equipment and process systems, and modeled physical systems to determine points of efficiency and predict process scenarios. At HTRI, Bishop performs experimental tests for multiple areas of research, as well as maintenance of data acquisition and calibration equipment.

Senior Project Engineer, Research, earned his BEng, MEng, and PhD in Civil Engineering from McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. While pursuing his graduate studies, he taught Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering as an Adjunct Professor; Bouhairie also worked as a Laboratory Experimenter in open-channel hydraulics. Following his graduation, he became a Research Assistant at the university, gaining additional expertise with CFD in modeling fluid flows. He worked at Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where he conducted physical hydraulic modeling investigations and river hydrology assessments. This experience gave him a broad-based knowledge of heat and mass transfer, thermal- hydraulic design, and computational methods. Bouhairie has delivered presentations on his work in Canada, the United States, England, and Brazil; his work has been published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics and the Journal of Hydro-environment Research.

Principal Engineer, Computational Simulation & Validation, graduated from Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA, with his BS, MS, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering. His areas of expertise include fluid dynamics, vibration, and thermal engineering. His responsibilities at HTRI focus on flow-induced vibration, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), visualization studies, and fired heaters. Prior to joining HTRI, he worked for 16 years as a researcher and deputy head of the Fluid Machinery Department of the Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) at Pennsylvania State University. A member of ASME and ASTFE, Farrell is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in Pennsylvania and Texas, USA.

Engineer, Technical Support, graduated in 2019 with a BS in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. During her studies, she completed an internship in the oil and gas industry, with a focus on Front End Engineering Design. After graduation she worked in the nuclear safety industry briefly before joining HTRI, helping to ensure safe design principals for a nuclear waste treatment facility. Since joining HTRI, her primary focus has been on technical support and contracts with recent endeavors to assist in the development of additional materials for HTRI’s technical program.

Engineer, Research, earned his MS in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University (TAMU), where he is pursuing his PhD in Mechanical Engineering. His PhD research focuses on improving thermal management of solid oxide fuel cells. At HTRI, Haq is involved in various research projects, including Air‑cooled Unit (ACU) experiments and simulations. His work includes prediction of hot air recirculation and hot air migration with wind. He has developed complex CFD models for several TEMA heat exchangers to predict stream analysis. Haq also investigates non‑Newtonian methods for HTRI. He has a publication in Building Environment, and his work was presented at the 4th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference in 2019.

Engineer, Technical Support, graduated with a BS in mechanical engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. During her studies, she completed two internships with oil & gas equipment company Proserv, gaining experience with product testing and technical writing. She worked in heat exchanger sales, covering the Houston, Waco, and Dallas/Fort Worth areas, for almost two years before joining HTRI. As a member of the Engineering Services group, she focuses on technical support and contracts but also assists with development of other materials for HTRI's technical program.
165 Research Dr.
Navasota, Texas
Hotel Information
P.A. Smith Hotel
111 S. Railroad Street
Navasota, Texas, 77868, USA
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1.979.237.6484
Corporate Discount: 15% off room rates when booking via phone or email. Simply reference the HTRI rate to receive the discount.
Additional 5% off when you book a single room for three consecutive nights, or two rooms for two consecutive nights.
Residence Inn Bryan College Station
720 University Drive East
College Station, Texas, 77840, USA
Phone: +1.979.268.2200
Booking Link: HTRI Training Block Residence Inn Bryan College Station
Getting Around
Ground Shuttle
Roundtrip options for IAH to CLL