HTRI Training - Global Headquarters
Navasota, Texas, USA | May 01, 2020
Join us at the HTRI Global Headquarters in Navasota, Texas, USA, for four days of hands-on, case-based training. The training schedule includes four courses, all taught by HTRI experts:
- Xist Workshop
- Special Topics in Xist Short Course
- Vibration Analysis Short Course
- Xace Workshop
Training Courses
Check-in begins at 8:00 AM. Courses run from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM daily.
Course fees include arrival tea/coffee, lunches and snacks at breaks and training materials (workbooks, solutions booklets, and electronic copies of the case files). Computers with Xchanger Suite are available for use during the training event. Computers may be shared with other attendees.
Monday, July 13, 2020
- Overview of Xist capabilities and applications
- Geometry input for shell-and-tube heat exchangers
- Process specifications for rating, simulation, and design
- Guidelines for specifying fluid properties
- Introduction to vibration analysis
Xist Workshop (US$450)
Instructors: Patrick Redmill and Lance Bishop
This workshop is devoted to the shell-and-tube exchanger geometries handled only by Xist. The day focuses on the extensive options available in Xist and how you can use these methods effectively to solve several example problems. You will leave the class knowing how to take full advantage of the features this robust tool offers.
Key Topics
Suggested Participants
Designers of shell-and-tube heat exchangers and process engineers who evaluate their performance
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
- Viscous shellside coolers
- Feed-effluent exchangers
- Kettle reboilers
- Vacuum condensers
Special Topics in Xist Short Course (US$650)
Instructors: Siddharth Talapatra and Lauren V. Moran
This short course moves beyond the fundamentals of thermal design to focus on specific design challenges associated with a range of service types including viscous shellside coolers, feed-effluent exchangers, kettle reboilers, and vacuum condensers. Presented as a series of case studies, each topic is introduced by the instructor before participants delve into Xist to work on solutions which are ultimately discussed amongst the group. The knowledge attained from this short course will allow you to tackle related design challenges in your future work.
Key Topics
Suggested Participants
Experienced Xist users who troubleshoot cases and evaluate shell-and-tube exchanger performance
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
- Introduction to vibration phenomena
- Flow-induced vibration (fluidelastic instability, vortex shedding, turbulent buffeting, acoustic vibration)
- Design options to mitigate vibration
- Field fixes
- Xist Vibration Report
- Example application and case studies
Vibration Analysis Short Course (US$650)
Instructors: Kevin Farrell and Matthew Berger
A must for anyone who evaluates the vibration potential of shell-and-tube heat exchangers! In this course, you learn about vibration mechanisms in shell-and-tube heat exchangers and Xist methods to analyze vibration severity. Most importantly, you discover corrective measures to mitigate damage.
Key Topics
Suggested Participants
Design and plant engineers responsible for the mechanical condition of shell-and-tube heat exchangers
Thursday, July 16, 2020
- Overview of Xace capabilities and applications
- Geometry inputs for air coolers and economizers
- Process specifications for rating, simulation, and design
- Guidelines for specifying fluid properties
- Introduction to HTRI analysis methods
Xace Workshop (US$450)
Instructors: Salem Bouhairie and Ashley Simmons
Do you design air-cooled heat exchangers? Evaluate their performance? Then this workshop is for you. Learn how to use Xace effectively to rate and design air-cooled heat exchangers, economizers, and air preheaters. All example problems and practice exercises relate to geometries handled only by Xace.
Key Topics
Suggested Participants
Designers of air-cooled heat exchangers and process engineers who evaluate their performance
Fernando J. Aguirre
+1.979.690.5050 office

Senior Project Engineer, Engineering Services, graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA. While a co-op student at Gibbons Creek power plant, Berger performed performance reviews of pumps, pulverizers, and feedwater heaters. Following graduation, he progressed to project engineer and engineering manager roles for FTS International, leading engineering projects on various topics such as pulsation control, equipment redesign, software implementation, and vibration analysis. Since joining HTRI, his primary focus has been on proprietary contracts and the Edgeview software, as well as involvement in Technical Support and Training.

Lead Test Engineer, Research & Technology Center, graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA. He worked for over ten years as a Plant Engineer at NRG Energy, Inc., where he conducted testing on different plant equipment and process systems, and modeled physical systems to determine points of efficiency and predict process scenarios. At HTRI, Bishop performs experimental tests for multiple areas of research, as well as maintenance of data acquisition and calibration equipment.

Senior Project Engineer, Research, earned his BEng, MEng, and PhD in Civil Engineering from McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. While pursuing his graduate studies, he taught Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering as an Adjunct Professor; Bouhairie also worked as a Laboratory Experimenter in open-channel hydraulics. Following his graduation, he became a Research Assistant at the university, gaining additional expertise with CFD in modeling fluid flows. He worked at Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where he conducted physical hydraulic modeling investigations and river hydrology assessments. This experience gave him a broad-based knowledge of heat and mass transfer, thermal- hydraulic design, and computational methods. Bouhairie has delivered presentations on his work in Canada, the United States, England, and Brazil; his work has been published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics and the Journal of Hydro-environment Research.

Principal Engineer, Computational Simulation & Validation, graduated from Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA, with his BS, MS, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering. His areas of expertise include fluid dynamics, vibration, and thermal engineering. His responsibilities at HTRI focus on flow-induced vibration, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), visualization studies, and fired heaters. Prior to joining HTRI, he worked for 16 years as a researcher and deputy head of the Fluid Machinery Department of the Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) at Pennsylvania State University. A member of ASME and ASTFE, Farrell is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in Pennsylvania and Texas.

Manager, Technical Support, joined HTRI after having worked for five years with two National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) contractors at the Johnson Space Center in the Houston, Texas (TX), USA: McDonald Detwiller and Associates Ltd. (MDA) and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Her responsibilities as a Systems Engineer focused on projects related to the International Space Station. She was certified as a console extravehicular robotics engineer and safety engineer in the Mission Control Center and also served as technical liaison between Boeing and the Canadian Space Agency. Moran now provides technical support and training to HTRI members and assists in contracts and troubleshooting heat exchangers. She earned a BS in Engineering from LeTourneau University, Longview, Texas.

Group Lead, Engineering Software Development, graduated with a BS in Chemical Engineering from Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA, and then earned his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. While at Vanderbilt, he worked as a lab instructor and lecturer in the summer Pre-Engineering Program. His fields of specialization include large-scale scientific computation and molecular dynamics simulation. Redmill joined HTRI after working as a Software Developer on ProMax® at Bryan Research & Engineering, Bryan, Texas, USA. At HTRI, he has worked on updating the Xchanger Suite 7 online help and on maintaining Xist and Xace calculation engines. Redmill is currently evaluating heat transfer and pressure drop correlations for the next version of Xchanger Suite.

Group Lead, Research, earned his MS and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. During his graduate studies, he was a Research Assistant at the Laboratory for Experimental Fluid Dynamics, where he worked on projects involving turbulence, effects of surface roughness, fluid structure interaction, and oceanography using high-speed imaging, particle image velocimetry, and holography. His dissertation research focused on elucidating coherent structures in the nearwall region for a rough channel flow, and understanding the key biophysical interactions in the coastal ocean. Talapatra also holds a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute for Technology, Kharagpur, India. At HTRI, his primary research responsibilities are focused on qualitative and quantitative flow visualization and laser anemometry to examine single- and two-phase flow inside pipes and heat exchangers. His research activities also include the study of shellside condensation, subcooled condensation, and thermosiphon reboiler turndown and instabilities. Talapatra is actively involved with HTRI’s training efforts, including development of new courses.
165 Research Dr.
Navasota, Texas, 77868, USA
Hotel Information
Residence Inn Bryan College Station
720 University Drive East
College Station, Texas, 77840, USA
110 USD per night
Link: Book your group rate for HTRI-Heat Transfer Reasearch
Homewood Suites by Hilton College Station
950 University Drive East
College Station, Texas, 77840, USA
Corporate discount for HTRI #0560043162 (Code P16)
Getting Around
Ground Shuttle
Roundtrip options for IAH/HOU to CLL