HTRI Training - Latin America
Mexico City, Mexico | October 01 - 03, 2019
HTRI tiene el gusto de invitarte a participar en el entrenamiento que se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de México del 01 al 03 de octubre próximos, en el cual se impartirá el taller Xist, y los cursos Technology Advances in Xchanger Suite 8 y Heat Exchanger Troubleshooting con cuatro nuevos casos. Todos ellos en español (aunque el material utilizado estará en Inglés) y usando la nueva versión 8. Si requieres más información, por favor, no dudes en contactarnos.
HTRI invites you to attend three days of hands-on training in Mexico City on October 1-3, 2019. HTRI Training – Latin America will include the following courses taught in Spanish:
- Xist Workshop
- Technology Advances in Xchanger Suite 8 Short Course
- Heat Exchanger Troubleshooting Short Course
Training Courses
Check-in begins at 8:30 AM. Courses run from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily.
Course fees include arrival tea/coffee, lunches and snacks at breaks and training materials (workbooks, solutions booklets, and electronic copies of the case files). Computers with Xchanger Suite are available for use during the training event. Computers may be shared with other attendees.
Tuesday, October 01, 2019
- Overview of Xist capabilities and applications
- Geometry input for shell-and-tube heat exchangers
- Process specifications for rating, simulation, and design
- Guidelines for specifying fluid properties
- Introduction to vibration analysis
Xist Workshop (US$450)
Instructors: Andy Mountford and Alejandro Meneses
Even if your work is limited to shell-and-tube heat exchangers, there’s much to be learned! This workshop is devoted to the geometries handled only by Xist. The day focuses on the extensive options available in Xist and how you can use these methods effectively to solve several example problems. You will leave the class knowing how to take full advantage of the features this robust tool offers.
Key Topics
Suggested Participants
Designers of shell-and-tube heat exchangers and process engineers who evaluate their performance
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
- Improved navigation and other changes to the Xchanger Suite interface
- New graphing capabilities
- Changes to methods including shellside condensation, shellside boiling, piping pressure drop, flow regime maps, enhanced surface heat transfer, and Stream Analysis
Technology Advances in Xchanger Suite 8 Short Course (US$650)
Instructor: Andy Mountford
Be one of the first to investigate the new and enhanced features in HTRI Xchanger Suite 8. In this short course, you will also learn how HTRI’s latest method improvements will influence your cases and optimize your designs.
Key Topics
Suggested Participants
Current and prospective Xchanger Suite end users
Thursday, October 03, 2019
- Steam generator with tube failure
- Intercooler with vibration concern
- Condenser-subcooler with design flaws
- Recuperator with performance shortfall
- Economizer with convergence issues
- Brine chiller with insufficient duty
- Flooded condenser with inadequate subcooling
- Air-cooled condenser with noncondensables
- Once-through reboiler with instability
- Vapor-liquid separation
- Fouling with tube failure
- Gas cooler with inadequate performance
Heat Exchanger Troubleshooting Short Course (US$650)
Instructor: Andy Mountford
Design decisions can have a costly impact on heat exchanger operation. Learn by reviewing several real cases in which unit designs had critical commercial consequences for operators/ owners. In some cases, the units did not work in service; in others, the designs were revamped before the units began operation.
Each case study is introduced as a problem; participants work individually or in groups to determine the cause and develop solutions. Prior to each case, the instructor reviews related HTRI methods.
Key Topics may include:
Suggested Participants
Engineers—from novice to expert—who want to ensure that design problems are identified before operation
Alejandro Meneses
+ (calls within Mexico)
+ (calls from outside Mexico)
[email protected]

Regional Sales Manager, Latin America, brings to HTRI over twelve years of sales engineering experience with Alfa Laval S.A. de C.V. and SPX Flow Technology México S.A. de C.V., where he most recently was responsible for the industrial plate heat exchanger market in Mexico and Central America. In addition, he worked as a Field Service Engineer and Supervisor. His principal role is to market HTRI products and services in Mexico and to assist with sales initiatives in other countries in the Americas. He also provides training and technical support to members in the region. Meneses holds a BS Eng in Industrial Robotics from Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN) in Mexico D.F., Mexico.

Senior Consulting Engineer, Technical Services and Sales, provides technical support and training for HTRI. He earned a BSc and MSc in Chemistry and a PhD in Organometallic and Materials Chemistry from the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. During his tenure there, he conducted research at Wolfson Laboratory for Materials and Catalysis. He previously held the position of Thermal Design Supervisor at Tecnicas Reunidas in Madrid, Spain, gaining valuable experience using HTRI methods and software. Mountford oversaw the development of several high-profile PWR and BWR nuclear plant projects, as well as gained valuable experience in the thermohydraulic design of heat transfer equipment for the petrochemical and nitric acid/nitrates industries. His experience in using HTRI Xchanger Suite makes him uniquely qualified to bring an end-user’s perspective to the HTRI training program and to share techniques for effectively working with the software.