BT-20 Intube Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of Mixtures

L. Huang

This report discusses the method development for the convective boiling mixture correction factor, Fcc, based on horizontal intube flow boiling data for binary and multi-component mixtures collected on HTRI’s Multipurpose Boiling Unit (MBU). In addition, it summarizes modifications to the Theoretical Boiling Range (TBR) method and to the vapor-phase resistance for intube flow boiling. The new methods apply to both vertical and horizontal intube flow boiling of mixtures with narrow to very wide boiling ranges. New methods developed from the MBU mixture data also substantially improved prediction of the HTRI Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler (VTR) mixture data. The report also discusses the non-uniform distribution of liquid film and mixture concentrations around the tube wall during horizontal intube flow boiling and its effects on heat transfer. The new methods were included in Xist 1.0.